Frontend Debugging 101
This page is inspired by
this article , which explains more about these questions. The code for this
website is
here . A portuguese version of this website can be found here .
Deselect all
if there's an error message
have you read it? (~30s)
have you asked in public? (~2m)
have you searched the codebase for an implementation? (~1m)
have you accessed the documentation? (~15m)
have you looked up the error? (~15m)
things stopped working for "no reason"
have you saved the file? (~5s)
are you returning something? (~1m)
are you in the right URL? (~5s)
are you connected to the VPN? (~10s)
are there any browser extensions interfering? (~1m)
turn it off and on again
have you restarted the local server? (~30s)
have you restarted the TypeScript Server? (~10s)
have you reinstalled node_modules? (~1m)
specific yet common errors
have you cleared the cache? (~10s)
are you using the correct file extension? (~10s)
are you in sync with the correct branch? (~1m)
are your imports correct? (~30s)
does it happen in an anonymous window? (~2m)
does your user have the correct role permissions? (~5m)
i didn't solve it yet, what now?
have you taken a break? (~10m)
I'm ready to ask for help